雙邊濾網左右開弓 BRISE C600做你的抗敏守護天使

2018.12.26 09:56AM
Chest of drawers, Bedside Tables, Drawer, File Cabinets, Chest, Cabinetry, Product design, Product, Design, chest of drawers, furniture, chest of drawers, drawer, nightstand, filing cabinet, cupboard, product

現代人購買空氣清淨機,除了PM2.5濾淨效果要好,是否具備抗敏功能也很重要。BRISE C600不僅擁有超強濾淨力,適合大坪數空間使用,還與各領域專科醫師合作,透過手機就能與AI抗敏天使互動,隨時提供呼吸道照護建議,可說是市面上抗敏最有感的空氣清淨機。

聯合醫師開發 抗敏超有感

為何空氣清機機需要抗敏功能?這是因為隨著空氣品質每下遇況,環境裡充斥著各種過敏風險,根據統計數字顯示,台灣有6成的人過敏基因已被打開,雖然市面上有許多標榜抗敏功能的空氣清淨機,但多半抗敏功能都給人無感抽象的感覺,不過BRISE C600最大特點為,除了擁有超強空氣濾淨力,還特別著重在抗敏功能。

Refrigerator, Product design, Design, Furniture, Product, Jehovah's Witnesses, furniture, home appliance, furniture, product, refrigerator, major appliance

為了達到最佳抗敏效果,BRISE C600研發團隊聯合小兒科、小兒過敏免疫科、耳鼻喉科、牙科…等多領域多位專科醫師作為醫療顧問,聯合開發出「BRISE AI抗敏天使」APP,讓使用者透過手機就能與AI抗敏天使互動,並能即時提供完善的呼吸道照料建議,BRISE C600可說為市面上抗敏最有感的空氣清淨機。此外,BRISE C600濾淨力當達到99.9%、CADR值更高達680 m3 /h,濾網等級達到P4 /F4,為一部適合大坪數空使用的空氣清淨機。

Product, Home appliance, Product design, Electronics, Design, home appliance, home appliance, product, electronic device, product
▲不免俗先看看外觀,BRISE C600潔白機身極簡好看,機身寬度厚度都只有 36cm、高度更只有59cm,不用擔心容易撞到,無論放在哪個空間都很搭。


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▲機身配備螢幕面板,能顯示PM 2.5、VOC濃度、風量、模式、溫濕度、濾網更換提醒…等豐富資訊,讓使用者直接用看的,就能掌握當前空氣狀態與過敏風險等級。

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Display device, Digital clock, Clock, Product, Font, Product design, Digital data, Typeface, Design, Computer hardware, display device, product, display device, digital clock, technology, font, clock, signage, hardware, product

全新雙側進氣系統 提高2倍淨化速率

Electronics, Small appliance, Product design, Product, Design, Home appliance, small appliance, home appliance, electronic device, product, technology, small appliance, electronics
▲BRISE C600最特別之處在於,導入全新雙側進氣系統,機身兩側都能進風,相較於傳統空氣清淨機採單一進風口,能提高2倍的淨化速率。

Logo, Brand, Illustration, Car, Product, Product design, Font, Automotive design, Design, Technology, graphic design, product, technology, graphic design, automotive design, font, logo, design, graphics, brand, product
▲雙側進風口搭配出風口漩渦設計,也是BRISE C600能提高淨化率一大關鍵,大家不妨可參考這張技術原理圖。

Electronics, Product design, Product, Design, Metal, Computer hardware, electronics, technology, hardware, electronics, product, metal
▲BRISE C600機身底部貼心配備滑輪,加上重量只有10kg,直接用推的就能輕鬆把機器移到各空間使用。

Line, Angle, Roof, Daylighting, daylighting, line, daylighting, roof, angle

Product design, Product, Design, Font, Floor, floor, floor, font
▲濾網部份,BRISE C600採用符合P4 /F4等級的HEPASmart智慧濾網,兩片濾網皆擁有超大面積,甚至在表面加入TiO2光觸媒過濾層,能強化殺除病毒與細菌的效果。

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Electronics Accessory, Product, Product design, Design, Computer hardware, hardware, product, product, technology, hardware, electronics accessory
▲接著來看看BRISE C600幾項實測數據,首先是運作時的風量,將風速開到最大,使用風速計測試為6.04m/s。

Product, Product design, Design, Font, , product, product, font

Feature phone, Smartphone, Handheld Devices, Multimedia, Cellular network, Product design, Electronics, Design, Product, Measuring instrument, feature phone, mobile phone, gadget, feature phone, electronic device, technology, communication device, portable communications device, cellular network, product, smartphone

Desk, Office, Interior Design Services, Design, room, room, office, furniture, desk, window, interior design, house
▲接著進行濾淨力測試,首先地點在癮科技約3坪大的辦公室,測試當天剛好全台空污拉警報,我們先將窗戶打開10分鐘左右,然後關上窗戶用BRISE C600自動模式測試。

Feature phone, Smartphone, Text messaging, Cellular network, Product, Product design, Electronics, Design, Mobile Phones, iPhone, feature phone, mobile phone, gadget, communication device, feature phone, electronic device, technology, product, portable communications device, telephony, smartphone

Training, Course, Institution, Electronics, training, communication, electronic device, technology, training, course, service, conversation
▲接著移師隔壁約5坪大的視聽室,測試當天為補班日同事們無心上班賭盤開玩中、現場還有人吃起炸雞,同樣把窗戶打開約10分鐘,然後關上窗戶用BRISE C600自動模式測試。

Feature phone, Smartphone, Cellular network, Product, Product design, Electronics, Design, Computer hardware, Mobile Phones, iPhone, feature phone, gadget, technology, electronic device, mobile phone, communication device, feature phone, product, smartphone, electronics, telephony

BRISE AI抗敏天使 即時供呼照護建議

Air Purifiers, air, Clean Air Delivery Rate, Professional, Physician, , Breathing, Sea breeze, Health, Human behavior, Air purifier, face, facial expression, text, head, headgear, line, product, font, smile, neck
▲操作部份,這次BRISE C600特別強調「BRISE AI抗敏天使」,為一款聯合專科醫師群合作研發的互動式APP,除了能現示當前空氣品質,針對抗敏更提供呼吸道照護建議,完整功能必須從APP才能體驗。

, Table gigogne scandinave - Gris - 98 x 60 x 40 cm, Light, Font, Design, Web page, Lighting, Product design, Technology, Ceiling, iconic lights ic01158 dantzig 3 way ceiling light, satin nickel, text, software, font, product, technology, screenshot, line, area, web page, media


Line, Point, Angle, Screenshot, Product design, Product, Design, Computer Icons, Text messaging, screenshot, text, font, line, area, product, screenshot, angle, number, icon, diagram

Logo, Brand, Font, Product, Product design, Line, Technology, Design, , Orange S.A., diagram, text, product, font, line, diagram, technology, area, logo, brand, icon

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▲APP會根據每個人的過敏狀況,提供客製化過敏照護建議,例如當天是否適合從事戶外活動,或室內環境是否有潛藏污染源…等,同時BRISE C600機身的過敏風險指示燈,也會根據室內外環境資訊、空氣品質、疾病疫情、個人過敏風險評估等數十種參數,自動分析目前環境對家庭成員的過敏風險,並以紅黃綠燈號展示。


Screenshot, Line, Point, Angle, Number, Font, Text messaging, screenshot, text, font, line, product, screenshot, area, document, number, paper, angle


Bedside Tables, Chest of drawers, Drawer, File Cabinets, Chest, Cabinetry, Wood stain, Wood, Floor, chest of drawers, furniture, chest of drawers, drawer, floor, flooring, table, filing cabinet, nightstand, home appliance, hardwood
▲BRISE C600擁有超強濾淨力,很難得的是最大運轉時音量僅60分貝,大概就是汽車靜態下把窗戶關緊的感覺,安靜到幾乎讓人忘了它的存在。另外,BRISE C600的CADR值高達680 m3 /h,就連大坪數空間也能輕鬆淨化,不過若用BRISE智慧運轉模式,內建iCADR功能會因應不同場所,自動調節最適合的運轉模式。



1月底前 BRISE C600 還有早鳥優惠,其中1/19 前的超級早鳥價更只要NT$22,499 元,相較於同級機種至少都要NT$35,000以上,對抗敏空氣清淨機有興趣的網友不妨可好好把握。

➡️BRISE C600 最懂你的智慧空氣清淨機 

7 則回應

  • 好多醫師都推薦這台
    • 因為可以幫助他們診斷嗎XD(被打
  • 可以問一下過濾耗材的使用壽命和費用嗎?
    • 一盒(兩片)Breathe Combo 主濾網,24小時開機可使用一年,價值$2,980
      一盒(八片)Breathe Carbon 前置濾網,24小時開機可使用一年,價值$1,280
  • 很適合大的開放空間
    • 窗戶大開還能除到001!
  • 有沒有空氣清淨機大亂鬥的評比?好想看R